Certified Divers

$155 (including 13% VAT) 

2 ocean dives

4 hour tour

Each dive lasts about 45-60 minutes at depths of 15-18 meters, where we explore rock crevices and sandy spots for fascinating marine life. After the first dive, enjoy a tasty surface interval with fruit, pastries, and water. Then, we will dive again at a different site (or the same one, depending on conditions). The full adventure wraps up with a scenic return to the beach!

What can you spot during a dive?

- Oceanic manta rays (January - April)
- White tip reef sharks
- Hawksbill turtles
- Large schools of fish
- Barracuda
- Spiny lobsters
- Moray eels
- String rays
- Octopus

Scuba Diver Santa Teresa

Refresher session

$45 (including 13% VAT)

If you are a certified diver but have not been diving in two years or more, or if you fancy brushing up on your skills, we offer a refresher class. The refresher session is scheduled the morning of your dive tour and it aims to make you feel confident, relaxed and prepared for the ocean dives. It takes approximately one hour and consists of a recap of the basic theory followed by practicing a few dive skills in a pool. 

Fish, Scuba Diving Iguana Divers

PADI ReActivate

$300 (including 13% VAT)

Your PADI certification never expires, but it's better to be over-prepared if you haven't dived in a while. At Iguana Divers, we recommend the ReActivate course to refresh your theory and skills. Complete the eLearning, regain water confidence with a pool session, two ocean dives, and receive a ReActivate PADI card

Start your online course here: Reactivate Elearning